The Mark Kendall Bingham Memorial Tournament, aka Bingham Cup, is a biannual inclusive rugby-union international tournament. Every two years, International Gay Rugby (IGR) teams from around the world converge at a hosting city to face each other and compete for the Cup. In addition to the Bingham Cup, there is the Bingham Plate and the Bingham Bowl. Gotham Knights RFC is one of the premier clubs in the Cup division. Gotham's continued strong performance in the tournament paid off when the Knights won the Cup at the 2010 tournament held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Knights delivered a strong performance at the 2016 Bingham Cup in Nashville, TN winning the Bingham Plate and placing fifth overall, and in the 2018 Cup, Gotham Navy proudly reached second place internationally.
Gotham is excited to show both Navy and Gold sides at the 2020 Bingham Cup in Ottawa, Canada.
Previous Bingham Cups:
2001 - Washington, D.C. (Invitational)
2002 - San Francisco, CA
2004 - London, UK
2006 - New York, NY
2008 - Dublin, Ireland
2010 - Minneapolis, MN
2012 - Manchester, UK
2014 - Sydney, AU
2016 - Nashville, TN
2018 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
2018 Bingham CUp
Amsterdam, netherlands
2016 Bingham CUp
nashville, tennessee
The Knights A side made it to the Bingham Plate Final against perennial rival London Kings Cross Steelers A. In a nail biting match, the Knights delivered a strong defense and a very effective offense against London's strongest men. The Knights placed 5th overall in the tournament; a very well deserved comeback from the Bingham Cup 2014 in Sydney, Australia. Final score 14-12.
The Knights B side were the ones to watch. With players from Stockholm Berserkers RFC joining in battle, they were able to deliver a very honorable performance in the tournament making it to the Challenger Julep Final.
2014 Bingham Cup
Sydney, Australia
2010 Bingham Cup Champions
Minneapolis, Minnesota