Contribution towards ongoing operations

There are many ways you can support Gotham. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will be used for the promotion of the values of our club. Funds will be allocated for coach training, fields and equipment, and member dues assistance.  It is Gotham's mission to continue fighting against homophobia and gender stereotypes in sports. With your support you can help us continue promoting our mission as we improve our abilities in the sport of rugby.

the Gotham fund for player development

Gotham Alumni have created a fund to support the club's long-term goals and player development. 

The fund operates on a multi-year planning horizon, structured to ensure continuity across successive club boards. One primary mandate is to ensure Gotham fields the strongest teams possible at Bingham Cup.   The fund can accept contributions of securities, in addition to cash, under the same 501(c)3 advantages.

If you wish to learn about the goals of the fund, or make a contribution of securities, please contact us via this link.

amazon smile

When you shop at Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Gotham Rugby Football Club Inc.

Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.


Gotham Knights RFC is a registered non-profit corporation in the State of New York and has a valid 501 C (3),
tax exemption status, with the IRS. Contributions to the club are entitled to tax deductions.