Location: 90 Park Avenue

Start Time: 19:04



Rich Babineau

Rob Bursztyn

Phil Constineau

Seb Cray

Alex Ghinger

Adam Kopchian

Jon Morgan

Ted Perkins

Mark Power

Greg Woodburn



Nick Finger





Went through and discussed the Spring Review covering Bingham, IGR, the Spring Season, the Board, and overall transparency of the Board and improved attendance for non-Board members (see separate document)




+ $14,500 altogether for Bingham which was able to met from Club finances and the Gotham Fund ($5k)

Player Development Fund Cash Call and Reimbursement:

+ Total funds required for reimbursement is $3182 (food, water, tape, hotel accommodation, etc)

+ Rob: Propose that the Gotham Fund be used to pay the $3182 of costs incurred during Bingham

+ Vote: Passed unanimously

Player Development Fund Report:

+ Stock generally gets transferred to an ETF however with macroeconomic changes, a particular stock is being held as-is

+ Balance is currently at $11k, with plans to raise it to $20k by end of year

+ Best practice is to drawdown 2-3% annually, however that is more usual when there is a larger endowment to manage


Summer Events:

Party weekend scheduled - 7/20-7/21

Introduction to Rugby - 7/26

+ Field has been scheduled 7:30-9pm

Brrn workout - 7/28

Upstate weekend - 8/10-8/12

+ Currently signed up 18 people to the upstate weekend but we need more people to confirm

+ Rob has the liquor from The Australian

Bachelor Auction - August?


Empire GU AGM:

Tentative Schedule:

+ Season starts on 9/8 and continues without interruption until 10/27

+ From next season, the GU are looking at completing all games by the end of the calendar year

+ Reviving D4 which would be a good opportunity for our B side

Randall’s Island:

+ The state of the fields at Randall’s as well as the availability of time has become a major issue

+ If anyone would like to help out resolving the issue, coordinate with Seb


+ Overall, player numbers are down 5%, mainly with women’s sides (suggestion is that it’s related to lack of coaching)


Board Archives:

Rob has already uploaded some documents to a Google Drive and recommends we do the same to keep Board information available and updated

Jon will upload what he has



No free weekends will mean that we’ll have to probably look at doing more frequent, smaller events

Long form raffle



Mark has been co-opted onto the Board to replace Ted who is leading the Gotham Fund with Toby

Rich has been nominated and accepted the role for DoR, replacing Seb who is now the Co-Head Coach






Looking at putting together more merchandise so that there is both a common look as well as a potential revenue stream from donors (eg Shiner Bock)

Rob requested that Greg start looking at logo for the Gotham Player Development Fund



Upstate weekend

Two warm up games (A and B - potentially Suffolk and/or Monmouth)

9/15 B side

Labor Day weekend (Jess’ BBQ)

RUNY camp

Coaching Clinic at Yale (Crusaders and Eagles backline coach)

Look at doing a friends and family day






Account is currently sitting at $2255, with a number of other items coming in, such as fundraisers, grants, etc

Reconciling transactions and generate a full P&L



After the summer is over (ie after Bingham and summer vacations), looking at scheduling non-fundraising alumni events (eg Wine Dinners, get togethers, etc) - coordinated with everyone else to stop fatigue

RRSNY pre-season on 8/18 - will follow up after with anything



Nothing further



Looking at doing an event such as Beer Blast to keep the momentum going



Looking forward to working with everyone



Need to start thinking about IGR NA tournament in Ohio next year

Goal is to have the ability to have funds available to register two full sides (50 players, plus at least two coaches, and one physio)


Motion to close: Rob

Seconded: Seb


Next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday 8/??


Meeting ended 20:20